In 2003 :
42 journalists killed
at least 766 arrested
at least 1,460 physically attacked or threatened
at least 501 media censored
By contrast with 2002 when :
25 journalists were killed
at least 692 arrested
at least 1,420 physically attacked or threatened
at least 389 media censored
At 1 January 2004,
124 journalists were in prison around the world
61 cyberdissidents were in prison around the world
General Trends
Every gauge of press freedom violations in 2003 stood at
red alert. Although the number of physical attacks and
threats has remained almost stable since last year,
other press freedom violations have increased
dramatically compared to 2002 and overall since 2001.
The number of journalists killed (42) is the highest
since 1995 (49 journalists killed, 22 of them in
Algeria). The massive military deployment and the
unprecedented scale of media coverage of the war in Iraq
have a lot to do with it. But a more global and
particularly worrying fact emerges : covering a war is
becoming more and more dangerous for journalists. Added
to the traditional dangers of war, are the unpredictable
hazards of bomb attacks, the use of more sophisticated
weapons - against which even the training and protection
of journalists is ineffective - and belligerents who
care more about winning the war of images than
respecting the safety of media staff. So many factors
increase the risks of war reporting. As a result of the
violence of conflicts, but not only because of that, the
number of journalists physically attacked and threatened
has stabilised at a very high level and slightly up on
Arrests of journalists and censorship of media reached a
record high in 2003. The relentless growth in violations
of press freedom since 2001, is, undoubtedly linked to
the fight against terrorism and to anti-terror laws
adopted by some countries since the 11 September
attacks. This new geo-political factor broke the
downward trend registered in 1999 and 2000.
Seat of international tension and terrorist violence,
the Middle East is the worst case region for press
freedom this year. With the war in Iraq and the
continuing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is the
Middle East that has seen the largest number of
journalists killed (16) equal with Asia, which however
has a far larger population. The Arabic-language press
continues to groan under the weight of repressive and
sclerotic regimes (Saudi Arabia, Syria) or sham
democracies (Jordan, Yemen, the Palestinian Authority),
while Lebanon, for so long a haven of media freedom, is
displaying an ever more worrying contempt for the rule
of law. In the Maghreb and Iran, expressing an opinion
or publishing a cartoon can lead to prison.
In Asia, the press is still beset by the same ills :
endemic violence (in Bangladesh), large numbers of
arrests (Nepal) and censorship (China and Burma). Asia
remains a continent where it was outstandingly dangerous
to work as a journalist in 2003 (16 killed). It is also
the world's largest prison for journalists,
cyberdissidents and Internet-users.
In Latin America, press freedom violations remained
relatively stable in contrast with 2002, with the
notorious exception of Cuba where the leading figures of
the independent press have been imprisoned. On the other
hand there has been a marked deterioration in the press
freedom situation in Central Asia. The general trend on
the African continent has been a worsening of working
conditions for journalists, including in countries until
recently held up as good examples such as Niger and
Senegal. The deterioration that has affected the local
and international press is linked to wars and civil
conflicts, but also the fossilisation of some
authoritarian regimes such as Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe.
Finally, things are satisfactory within the European
Union, with the notable exception of Italy, where the
conflicts of interest of Silvio Berlusconi, both prime
minister and owner of a media empire, still poses a
threat to pluralism of news and information. In most
central and eastern European countries, journalists have
had to contend with harsh and archaic defamation laws.
Despite this, the ten countries set to join the EU on 1
May 2004 have respected press freedom. Things remain
unstable in Serbia-Montenegro, where censorship was
slapped on after the assassination of the prime
minister, Zoran Djindjic, and in Romania, where
journalists investigating corruption or criticising the
party in power encounter growing problems.
2003, a deadly year for press freedom
The Middle East was the deadliest part of the world for
journalists in 2003. Fourteen journalists and media
workers were killed and about 15 injured covering the
war and the period after the war in Iraq. The US
military could be blamed for the death of at least five
journalists, but in no case did they hold any
investigation worthy of the name. On the third day of
the conflict two journalists working for British ITN
television, French cameraman Frédéric Nérac and a
Lebanese interpreter Hussain Othman, mysteriously
In total, six journalists disappeared in 2003 (in Iraq,
Russia, India, Democratic Republic of Congo and Mexico).
In the occupied Palestinian territories, the Israeli
army killed two cameramen. To date no action has been
taken against those who did the shooting, even if for
the first time, the Israeli army was forced to open an
investigation into the death of the British documentary
film-maker James Miller.
The year 2003 was the most dangerous for journalists in
the Philippines since 1987. A total of seven were killed
after condemning corruption and local criminal gangs.
Two journalists were killed in Nepal and Indonesia.
Three were murdered in India, among them the boss of a
local press agency killed in his Kashmir office.
In Iran, the Iranian-Canadian photographer Zahra Kazemi
was murdered in July. She was arrested while working on
a report on students detained in the sinister Evin
prison in Teheran after major demonstrations in June.
Kazemi died while in detention. After initially trying
to cover up the case, the authorities are now trying to
obstruct the trial.
Two journalists were killed in Côte d'Ivoire this year.
Both foreign and local journalists have been working in
very hazardous conditions since the start of the civil
war in September 2002. Many have been accused of being
in league with rebels and exposed to the wrath of the
mob by pro-government media. An Ivorian journalist and a
foreign journalist, Jean Hélène, correspondent for Radio
France Internationale (RFI) in Abidjan, were killed in
In Colombia, torn by civil war for 40 years, four
journalists have been killed for condemning corruption
among deputies and even their collusion with armed
groups. With an average of four journalists killed each
year over the past ten years, Colombia could be
considered one of the most dangerous places in the world
for journalists. This extreme state of affairs can be
explained by the fact that killers of journalists enjoy
total impunity. In some regions in which armed groups
hold sway (Arauca, Nariño and Santander departments),
the people no longer have access to any free and
reliable news.
More and more journalists arrested
As at 1 January 2004, there were at least 124
journalists in prison worldwide either for their
opinions or their work. This figure has continued to
rise since 2001 (489 journalists arrested in 2001, 692
in 2002, 766 in 2003). The countries that hold most
journalists in jail are Cuba (30), Burma (17), Eritrea
(14) and Iran (11).
In Cuba, Fidel Castro took advantage of the world's
focus on events in Iraq to open a new chapter of
repression, jailing the island's leading figures in the
independent press. In March, 27 journalists were
arrested in a roundup within the ranks of dissidents
then sentenced in Stalinist-type trials to jail terms
ranging from 14 to 27 years. Among them were Ricardo
González, publisher of the magazine De Cuba and
correspondent for Reporters Without Borders and head of
Cuba Press, Raúl Rivero, sentenced to 20 years
imprisonment. These arrests brought to 30 the number of
journalists in jail in Cuba.
Burma has been for many years the Asian country holding
the largest number of journalists in its jails (17) for
writing in support of democracy. A sports journalist who
was arrested in 2003 was condemned to death. The UN
special rapporteur for Burma spoke out against the
"hell" of Burmese detention centres after visiting
Insein jail in Rangoon. In Nepal, the end of the
cease-fire in August triggered a new wave of arrests of
pro-Maoist journalists or those suspected of being so.
More than 40 of them were detained during 2003, often in
secret custody and ill treated by security forces.
Eritrea is the African continent's biggest jail for
journalists : fourteen are still being held and no
information has been forthcoming about the place or
conditions of their detention. Only the official press
has been permitted to operate since 2001.
In Iran, where the court system is in the hands of the
conservatives, journalists are jailed without restraint,
particularly those working in the very active reformist
press. At least 50 were arrested, more than the previous
year. Most of them were tried in secret and some spent
several months in solitary confinement. In Syria, in a
move demonstrating the problem of achieving reform, the
correspondent for the pan-Arab Al-Hayat newspaper was
detained for several months for writing about
preparations for the war in Iraq. This "preventive »
detention was seen as a warning to all Syrian
journalists, who are closely watched by the government.
A journalist was jailed in Algeria for the first time
since 1995, although the sentence was eventually
commuted to a heavy fine. Morocco jailed two journalists
in 2003 setting back press freedom in the country by
several years. The publisher Ali Lmrabet was sentenced
to three years in jail for his cartoons and for an
interview on the Western Sahara that displeased King
Mohammed VI. Another journalist was jailed under
anti-terror legislation passed in 2003.
In Russia, a journalist was sentenced to one year of
forced labour in a defamation case, for the first time
since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. The year
2003 was particularly tough for journalists in Belarus,
where three were still serving prison sentences with
forced labour for having "insulted the president". In
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, two journalists and human
rights activists were jailed and subjected to campaigns
of vilification by the authorities.
Despite far-reaching reforms adopted in Turkey with an
eye to its bid for membership of the European Union, in
practice pro-Kurdish journalists or those critical of
the government were still subjected to abusive legal
action. Fourteen were arrested during the year and at
least five are currently in prison for expressing
opinions in the course of their work.
A high level of physical attacks and
The number of journalists physically attacked and
threatened remained stable compared with 2002 but at a
very high level.
In Bangladesh things were as bad as ever. More than 200
journalists were physically attacked or received death
threats from political activists, religious extremists
or local criminal gangs. Complete inaction by the
authorities only served to consolidate the endemic
violence. In Afghanistan, two journalists condemned to
death by fatwa following the publication of an article
on secularism had to flee abroad.
Journalists were victims of repeated attacks and threats
in Haiti from supporters of President Jean-Bertrand
Aristide. The perpetrators were protected by the
government, which is often enough the instigator of the
violence itself. Nor does impunity look like ending :
the investigations into the murder of Brignol Lindor
(killed on 3 December 2001) and that into the murder of
Jean Dominique (killed on 3 April 2000) concluded this
year without uncovering who ordered the killings.
Haitian journalists continue to go into exile.
In Venezuela, 93 physical attacks were recorded against
journalists, mainly during the end of the big strike
against President Hugo Chávez, in January and February.
Most attacks were believed to be the work of the
president's supporters who viewed the major media as
anti-Chavez. The presidential election campaign in
Guatemala was marred by many attacks against the press,
most of them linked to the controversial candidacy of
the former dictator Ríos Montt. In Bolivia and to a
lesser extent in Peru, the press suffered from a climate
of conflict. Several media and journalists were
threatened or came under attack during a crackdown on
rioting that led to the departure of Bolivian President
Sánchez de Lozada. Finally attacks on journalists
continued to increase alarmingly in Ukraine. They
remained very high in Russia with 18 such incidents.
Most of those targeted were journalists working in the
provinces who investigated corruption in which local
authorities were implicated.
Censorship, a going concern
The year 2003 saw a strong increase in censorship around
the world. Once again it was in Asia that the greatest
number of media were gagged
In China, the media landscape is evolving at huge speed
with the government closing indebted newspapers and new
press groups being founded. But censorship is ever alert
to sensitive topics : dissidence, corruption, the SARS
and AIDS epidemics are among subjects on which the
authorities will only tolerate official lies. Burma has
the sorry privilege of being one of the very few
countries in the world to practise advance censorship.
The military junta ratcheted up its control of the media
after the arrest of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San
Suu Kyi. No media was able to refer to it, nor the
banking crisis that engulfed the country. In the
Pacific, the king of the Tonga islands distinguished
himself by banning the sole bi-weekly independent Tami
o' Tonga.
There was an upsurge of censorship on the African
continent. Several countries resumed the practice of
seizing newspapers, banning radios and other outlets. In
Zimbabwe, the Daily News, the country's sole independent
daily paper, was closed in mid-September. The ageing
regime of Robert Mugabe expelled the last foreign
correspondent in 2003, leaving the country inaccessible
to international media.
In Gabon, President Omar Bongo, who has been in power
since 1967, tightened his grip on the independent press.
The presidential clan's systematic purchasing of
independent titles was going a long way towards creating
a monolithic Gabonese press. In Rwanda, the only
independent newspaper was seized three times in 2003.
There has been no private press since 2001 in Eritrea
where the authorities are unmoved by pressure from the
international community. Finally, in Swaziland,
journalists are regularly suspended for criticising the
king and the government tightly controls all news and
information, public and private.
Censorship is severe in Iran. The reformist press is
rapped when it raises subjects such as the Kazemi case
or the signing of the nuclear protocol. Thirteen
newspapers were suspended for periods of up to five
years by the judge Saïd Mortazavi in Teheran, major
censor of the Iranian press. The authorities have
harassed independent newspapers in Algeria, preventing
them from appearing for several weeks. As the April 2004
presidential election campaign got off to a very early
start, the authorities had no hesitation in expelling
several correspondents from the French press in the hope
of preventing them from covering the release of the
historic leaders of the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS).
In the Middle East, a high level of censorship, but also
self-censorship, attended the coverage of the war in
Iraq. In Yemen, Syria and Palestine, the capture of
Saddam Hussein, for example, was only very cautiously
and partially reported by the government press agencies.
In Syria, the sole independent weekly satirical
newspaper Addomari was indefinitely suspended after
months of administrative harassment. Despite the
appearance of debate in the local press that would have
been unthinkable a few years earlier, Saudi Arabia
remains the kingdom of censorship. In Jordan, government
investment in the media and a frequent close watch, at
the printers, of the content of newspapers gainsay
official statements supporting press freedom. In
Lebanon, where political and media interests dovetail,
the private television channel New Television (NTV),
known for its criticism of the government, has had
several of its programmes banned.
In Turkmenistan, the most repressive country of the
former Soviet Union, censorship is total and the media's
only job is to sing the praises of President Niyazov. In
Uzbekistan, despite the abolition of official censorship
in 2001, the media can only cover permitted subjects.
During the war in Iraq, the authorities pulled the plug
on Russian television broadcasts that were at odds with
the country's pro-American stance. In Belarus, the
Alexander Lukashenko regime suspended or prevented the
appearance of more than ten independent newspapers and
banned Russian NTV television from working on its
Many regimes abuse the legitimate struggle against
terrorism to keep its press under close supervision.
This is particularly true in Tunisia, where the
independent press is extremely tame and in Morocco where
the anti-terror law strictly limits political coverage.
In Iraq, the provisional government has banned the
satellite channel Al-Arabiya from operating in the
country, accusing it of « incitement to violence » by
broadcasting sound recordings said to have been of
Saddam Hussein and armed Iraqi groups fighting US
troops. In Colombia, the anti-terror law adopted in 2003
threatens protection of sources. It empowers the
judicial police and the army to carry out phone tapping,
searches and to intercept mail without a warrant. Since
President Alvaro Uribe Velez took power 2002, the
government has become a greater potential threat to the
press. In Spain, the struggle against the Basque
terrorist organisation ETA has eroded press freedom.
Closure of the Basque-language newspaper Euskaldunon
Egunkaria announced as a temporary « preventive
measure », in fact lasted almost the whole year.
Press freedom as victim of conflict
The war in Iraq was not the only conflict in the world
to put press freedom to a harsh test.
Independent coverage of the war in Chechnya became
virtually impossible for both Russian and foreign
reporters, because of obstacles thrown up by the Russian
Army and the risk of kidnapping. A correspondent with
Agence France-Presse (AFP) was abducted in July.
Resumption of hostilities in Liberia had serious
repercussions for press freedom : two journalists were
injured in gunfire and dozens of others attacked or
kidnapped. In the Côte d'Ivoire, the lurking civil war
triggered many press freedom violations. There were
dozens of cases reported of journalists arrested
threatened or physically attacked.
In Indonesia, two journalists have been killed since the
declaration of martial law in Aceh, at least five others
were arrested and around 20 attacked or targeted in
firing. In this separatist province, the military
strictly controls information and the work of
journalists. Several foreign correspondents, including
American William Nessen were expelled from Indonesia for
having travelled to the region. In the same way in
Pakistan, two journalists from the French magazine
L'Express were arrested for reporting in a border
province with Afghanistan. Their Pakistani colleague is
detained without trial.
In Sudan, despite institutional reform, the security
forces control coverage of the civil war. In 2003 they
suspended numerous titles including the English-language
Khartoum Monitor.
The Internet under Surveillance
The year saw several cyberdissidents released, including
a young Tunisian, Zouhair Yahyaoui, who spent more than
a year in jail for having opened a satirical site
taunting President Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali. The young
Liu Di, who took part in Chinese discussion forums as
« stainless steel mouse », was released after a year in
solitary confinement.
Despite these releases, China remains by far the world's
largest prison for Internet-users. Six more
cyberdissidents were jailed this year bringing the
total, at 1 January 2004, 48 Internet-users imprisoned
because of the dreaded efficiency of the Chinese
cyber-police (a staff of 30,000). Huang Qi, webmaster of
the site, is still being held in
Sichuan's provincial prison. He was arrested in June
2000, and he is serving five years in harsh conditions
for having "attempted to overthrow the power of the
state". China has state of the art technology to monitor
the Internet and track down cyberdissidents, technology
which is often provided by foreign companies, such as
Cisco System.
Vietnam follows the example of its Chinese big brother.
Nine cyberdissidents are in jail there. According to
Reporters Without Borders' sources the country has set
up a computer research department, exclusively devoted
to creating « made in Vietnam » Net surveillance
Apart from China and Vietnam, other countries to be
counted as among the most repressive on the Internet
are : The Maldives (3 cyberdissidents imprisoned),
Burma, North Korea, Cuba (references to Internet
activity appeared on the charge sheet for most of the
journalists who were jailed at the end of March), Saudi
Arabia, Tunisia and several countries of the former
Soviet union, like Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
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