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صفحه نخست کابل پرس > ... > سخنگاه 15502

رابطه با اسراييل باشد يا نباشد؟

23 می 2008, 11:37, توسط makawoanazonajanana

I find out a MOSHE e jossor for you , but he lost he is position already in chair of presidency of Israel , he was from YAZD of Iran , and he is complete name is ( Moshe – Katsav ) he is very sincere to Israel and as well to he is birth place yazd of iran , he speaking Farsi very well , and pass a very tough life just after interring Israel in 1951 in age of 5 ,. Up on arriving to Israel he is family was start living in a immigrant comp for many years , because of saver flooding in comp Moshe lost he is 2 month brother zion , Moshe join likud party in age of 24 , and elected as a mayor of kiryat malakhi , where once was a transit comp and live there he is child hood , and he lost he is 2 month brother . and he join the kennset party who was manakhim bigum was prim minister at that time , tow time he travel from Israel to Iran to call for immigration of Iranian jaw to Israel , he many time was give speech in a " senegak - yahoodi masjed "who located in medal of "kheyaban e korosh e kabir" in Tehran , when Nathan yahoo was prim minister , he was deputy prim minister , and he run for presidency against Shimon Peres , he defeated peres , and he was president of Israel in 2000 , during he is presidency he don a lot of positive job to solve the Israel and Palestinian conflict , but always ; same time he is party member , and same time other political party , was stand against him , finally in funeral party of “ john pop paul II “ by alphabetic system he set be said of president of Iran khatmi who he is birth places was also YAZD of Iran . he shook khatami when Moshe start talking in ( bache muhal ) style farsi , ( khatami after dined ), after this accidently meeting of Moshe and Khatami in funeral of “john paul II” , MOSSAD planning to thru him out of power , and , MOSSAD poorly create a case of sex scandal and sex abuse against him and by force of judge he step down in October of 2006 , if this Moshe was in power I am sure he can fix the bill in nick of cat , and we have to remember that he tray many time to do so and finally he lost he is presidency job to help restore the peace in region , .

آنلاین : megan ; agar ba yazad kulahe taan ba zamin aftad , nasha ak kham beshen woa bulandesh kunen .

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