Kamran Mir Hazar Youtube Channel
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صفحه نخست کابل پرس > ... > سخنگاه 28047

مستندی کوتاه از زرين تاج درباره کشتار هزاره ها و تبعيض علیه آنان در افغانستان و پاکستان

10 می 2009, 20:37, توسط Jaghori

Dear sister Zarren!
Thank you for your indefatigable activities regarding Hazara people to provide this documentary to the world. This kind of oppressions is continuing for more than 300 years and it is not new for Hazara people. I really got shocks when I see films, TV, movies or reading a book about Hazara people. I think Hazara means hopeless, wretches, hapless, rootless and stranger because I heard just these kinds of definitions about Hazara. In my opinion instate of these kind of activities it is better to create an alternative or have a suggestion to change the destines and fortunes of these wandering people. We never help by showing these kinds of movies until we direct start positive activities.

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