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Obama administration gives free pass to alleged Afghan war criminal, Rashid Dostum

17 July 2009, 01:01

Former disgraced exile now in high Afghan government position— U.S. will not investigate death of 2,000 POWS associated with him

Saturday 11 July 2009, by Robert Maier

mr Maier !

it was 3000 not 2000 who killed by dostum fighter during war . those was ( Taliban ) , and 85% of those ( talib ) was not afghan pashtoon . they come from Chechen - Saudi Arabia - Sudan - labia - Pakistan and even same of them was come from united stat of America and fight against dostum , if you remember ( john walker Lind - who now serve 20 years sentence in USA ) he captured in Qala Jungi of mazar sharidf during three or four day deadly fight against dostum . general dostum fought against Taliban since long time in Afghanistan and he is a great choice in this war against Taliban . i suggest pentagon to find more or this kind of experienced retied general and use there experience in fild against enemy of Afghanistan and united stat too . Daizangi .

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