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American diplomats shun "hardship posts" in third world countries

12 September 2011, 01:49, by ishi

Are you trying to make foreign service diplomats seem selfish and living the life? Could not the same be said for soldiers in Germany, Japan, Korea, Guantanamo? They and their families receive pay and benefits as well. Just because FS does not carry guns doesn’t make them less important to America’s foreign policy. Are you suggesting that someone who signs up to leave their 1st world country to live in a third world country should have to live under the same conditions in order to be of service? If the population has inadequate unstable housing, polluted water, no sewage system, FS should live under similar conditions to properly partake in Public Affairs, Immigration issues, etc?

People are sent from place to place every few years with only input as to where they will be posted. They join knowing they could be sent anywhere in the world under any conditions. It’s ignorant to suggest that the American Gov should not try to make their lives in their residence as comfortable as possible. Some have families to think of, some can’t even bring their families.

If you are looking for someone to make the villain you are looking in the wrong place.

Americans can’t apologize for being a first world country. And to have a realistic list of places that will require more incentive in order for FS to bid for that post is no different from any other employer giving a housing allowance + incentive to their employee. Stop with the feigned outrage.

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