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صفحه نخست کابل پرس > ... > سخنگاه 43868

کوچی طالبان سال آینده، نقاط مختلف افغانستان را دستخوش بحران می کنند

21 فبروری 2011, 02:17, توسط sharif Hamdam

Throughout the history of Afghanistan, Kuchis (nomads) have been used by different governments as a brutal, destructive force against people who were deemed not to be Pashtuns.

A clear example of this claim is the most recent tragic massacre of the people of Behsud at the their hands in which the government of Karzai played a complicit role.
The overwhelming force of the Taliban also came from this savage tribe.

Kuchis were used during the barbaric reign of Abduraham for killing the Hazaras and replacing them once their lands were ocupied.

The response to the possible upcoming crisis of Kuchis, in my opinion, is not to stand by and watch or just stage demonstrations but is to get organised and rearm ourselves so as to defend our people.

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