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صفحه نخست کابل پرس > ... > سخنگاه 45154

طراح اعتراض های مدنی در افغانستان کشته شد، آيا برای مقابله با اشغالگران افغان باید سلاح بدست گرفت؟

13 جون 2011, 23:59, توسط Sharif Hamdam

I do believe very strongly that Hamid Karzai himself is behind the cowardly assasination of Shahid Jawad Zahak as he was a vocal cretic of Karzai’s fascistic policies in Afghanistan.
Our competent leaders must take necessary precautions to avoid facing similar fate at the hands of Karzei and his Taliban brothers.
I wish we never shared our country with these barbaric, violent beasts.

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