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صفحه نخست کابل پرس > ... > سخنگاه 51613

گاهشمار حوادث مهم تاریخ تورکان افغانستان یا تورکستان جنوبی بعد از اشغال این منطقه توسط قبیله سالاران

3 جنوری 2012, 11:48

Dear brothers you see the comments of fascist Tajiks. To all fasicts the time will show the creation of TURKESTAN. Afghanistan was surely devided in a Pashtunistan and a Turkistan, if Tajikis like Massoud did not help Taliban. They prefer to be in arms of Pashtuns than to live with Uzbecks and Turks and Harazras in Turkestan.

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