The Crisis in Afghanistan
A commentary on the drug trade as the root of Afghanistan’s troubles
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Recently Afghanistan has become the center of international attention, as it is strategically located at a very crucial point at the heart of Asia. It has been a victim of invasion by super powers such as Great Britain, Soviet Union, and the United States.
Its geo-political location and uranium resources have gained the attention of super powers. Considering the evidence of history, which states that Afghanistan has been a land of heroes and has never given up its freedom, but always fought against invaders. Its brave people defeated Great Britain and the Soviet Union. But now United States has come up with new formula i.e. helping the Afghan nation and developing their country.
In 2001 after the collapse of Taliban regime with the help of coalition forces and the formation of new government in Afghanistan, Afghans expected a brighter future with a better political scene empty of those who were the real destroyers of Afghanistan; of those responsible for a civil war that lasted through 1996, and caused millions of deaths, migration of millions of people to neighboring countries and led the country to ruin.
Everybody hoped to see those who were involved in the destruction and demolition of the country be prosecuted and be punished for their crimes and sins as per constitutional law. But soon after, everyone noticed that the international community, led by U.S.A and the government of Afghanistan it installed, have brought back those involved in the destruction of the country. They are now more powerful than they were during the war years of 1993 through early 1996.
Those who appeared on the political, economical and military scene in the cause of democracy, supported by the international community and U.S.A are the main causes of the crises in Afghanistan. They have abused the names of republic, constitutionalism, communism and Islam for the past 50 years.
A recently released non-governmental report states that Afghanistan is the central point in the region’s vast opium production and export market, producing the majority of the world’s opium and heroin. Many high level officials and warlords are the real owners of the drug smuggling networks, including its production and trafficing.
A high level of corruption in government has led national and international organized crime to be involved in the drug smuggling. This has earned them huge sums of money to fund their expanding criminal operations across the world. So Afghanistan’s drug industry should be of much more concern to the world than the basic humanitarian concern for drug addicts.
The Afghan government has not been able to reduce the level of corruption, poverty, illiteracy or to maintain security over a period of 7 years since its formation in 2001. This is all due to the existence and participation of criminals and warlords in the government bodies and their manipulation of the priorities and actions of the government.
Ahamd Khalid