Former U.N. administrator accused of embezzling half-million dollars during stint in Afghanistan
Gary K. Helseth was subject of KabulPress.org million dollar hospital corruption investigation
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The U.N. Procurement Task Force accused Gary K. Helseth, an American who headed the U.N. Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in Afghanistan from 2002 to 2006, in December of using the funds for lavish purchases, including first-class flights to Las Vegas and meals in posh restaurants in Copenhagen, Dubai, Florence and New York. Helseth oversaw more than $1 billion in reconstruction funds contributed by the United States and other international donors after the fall of the Taliban. — The Washington Post
For complete article by The Washington Post’s reporter, Colum Lynch:
also see Kabulpress article from January, 2008
Forum posts
30 March 2009, 10:07, by Khan
If you look you’ll find that Helseth is now in a business relationship with an Australian company PROFESSIONAL SERVICE SOLUTIONS (PSS) owned by Craig Coleman operating in Afghanistan. PSS was contracted by Helseth to UNOPS during 2003-2006 period......
8 May 2009, 20:10, by Daftaan
I have said this before that the Australians, Kiwis and Canadians were together at this. Together with Helseth they stole Millions of election money (CASH) in Afghanistan. This matter should be looked into and all these thieves should be brought to justice. All those who worked for the UNOPS Election team in 2004, 2005 should be investigated.
Her are are few of them:
Raphael Robillardo (French) Election Bamyan
Ian Gough (English) Election Herat
Jonathan Prien (Australian) Election Chghcheran
The rest will posted later
Most those who worked in Afghanistan for election are now on vacation spending the stolen money.