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Kabulpress Introduces Journalist Services for International Media

Help for those planning to visit Afghanistan
Editorial Staff
Wednesday 22 April 2009

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Need assistance covering Afghanistan?

After numerous requests, Kabulpress has established a journalist assistance program in Afghanistan. Using our hundreds of contacts with local media workers across Afghanistan, developed over many years, we can arrange travel advice, accommodations in Kabul and other areas, trustworthy local guides/interpreters/drivers with vehicles, visits to newsworthy sites, security, interviews with opposition political figures, and off-the-beaten-track journalistic opportunities. Get the real story from local journalists who know. Our primary interest is getting the truth out and attaining a just democracy for all Afghans.

Contact Robert Maier +01-704-996-7724 or rmaier@kabulpress.org

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So-Called Afghanistan Comprises Diverse Stateless Nations, Including the Hazara, Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Pashtun/Afghan, and Nuristani With No Majority or National Identity.

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