From Afghanistan to Switzerland
Hazara painter Mohsen Taasha Wahidi
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There are three major rivers in Mohsen Taasha Wahidi’s life: the Kabul, which gives its name to his hometown, The Meno, which bathes the strip of land around Kassel (Germany) where it was held his most important exhibition, dOCUMENTA13, and Ticino. The latest is the river that gives its name to the canton in which there is Theca Gallery, in Lugano, where it helds his solo exhibition [ The Rivers ]. The exhibition brings together works produced between 2009 and 2013 by the young Afghan artist. Some of the works are from the now celebrated exhibition of dOCUMENTA13 (2012), and others come from the solo exhibition that was held at the French Cultural Center of Afghanistan (FCC) in Kabul, Afghanistan, in April this year (2013) and significantly entitled “Reminiscence”, in which it is presented a new series of miniatures produced by Taasha, where sacred tradition and culture Hazara are mixed in wise colors. Mohsen Taasha Wahidi was called to work for his exhibition of dOCUMENTA 13, Kassel (Germany), directly by the director Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, which then she has organized his solo exhibition in Kabul dOCUMENTA 13, curated by Andrea Viliani (now director of Museum MOTHER Naples) and Aman Mojadidi. The Lugano exhibition was curated by the gallery itself, Andrea Carlo Alpini, given the close link with the artist. Significantly it is entitled ” Mohsen Taasha Wahidi : MAIN d13 | one KABUL ( … ) two Tessin [THE RIVERS ] .” The purpose of the exhibition is threefold. On the one hand give a retrospective at the Swiss and international collections of the best work of the artist, on the other hand is aimed at the production of the artist’s first thoughtful catalog, and then resume the relationship with the history of contemporary art through few items. Among these factors indicative is the importance of the figure of Alighiero Boetti and his relationship with Afghanistan and writing, and then the relationship with the literary roots, namely the poem “The Rivers” by Giuseppe Ungaretti, in which the poet recounts his history in many bathrooms in the rivers of his life. Tribute to these two great figures of Italian culture are the two quotes in the title, the “one Kabul” (Hotel) by Alighiero Boetti and [THE RIVERS] ending the selected title. The exhibition will also feature the work “AIIEOOEI LGHRBTT [portrait]” specially commissioned by the gallery to the artist for the exhibition. Theca Gallery Lugano decided to expose the Afghanistan artist this winter, Mohsen Taasha Wahidi, as well as in Lugano in three other different curatorial areas. “Memoriae” is the title chosen for the exhibition organized always by Theca Gallery at Art Market Fair Budapest, Hungary, the next month of November. Here the artist will be exhibited with the artists Federico De Leonardis, Claudia Scarsella, Simone Dulcis and Jonathan Guaitamacchi. Another winter exhibition of the artist will be the exhibition curated by Delia Vékony “The Grand Migration”, also in Budapest, Hungary. The last public exhibition that will be presented at Paratissima “PIX 09″ in Turin, where they will be exhibited three works, resulting from exposure of German Documenta13, such as “Death or a New Beginning” and “Memoir Of A Generation.” Watercolour on wrapping paper and clay the first, watercolor on paper and calligraphic the second, while the exposure will be completed by the work “The Reddish Essence.”