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Afghan Radio journalist illegally detained by officials in Daikondi Province

Mohammad Raja had been delivering reports critical of governor
Robert Maier
Thursday 19 June 2008

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Afghan journalist and chief editor of Radio Daikondi, Mohammad Raja, was detained Wednesday night by local authorities. He was released Thursday morning, but it is feared that he will be detained again.

Raja had recently delivered several reports criticizing the governor Sultan Ali Orozgani and the mayor of the province located in central of Afghanistan. This was Raja’s second detention in recent months. Orozgani has made it known that he wants full control of Radio Daikondi, which is a member of the Internews RadioNetwork in Afghanistan.

Daikondi Governor Ali Orozgani has expressed his wish to take over independent Radio Daikondi.

Members of parliament from Daikondi and journalists in Kabul have expressed concern with these events, and have requested that international journalist associations monitor the situation and safety issues with Mohammad Raja.

Daikondi province is very isolated, and roads have been closed for months. It is currently accessible only by helicopter. Kabulpress.org’s sources will continue to report as events occur.

Kabulpress English pages editor, writer, video producer and educator.

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