US-Taliban Deal, Pashtun Terrorists In, and Humanitarian Organizations Out!
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Kabul Press?: A few months after the deal of the United States with the terrorist-Pashtunist group Taliban, the attacks on civilians, particularly on the Hazara democracy lovers, increased. In one of the last attacks of terrorist group Taliban on the Hazara, Dasht-e-Barchi hospital targeted resulting in killing and injuring dozens, including pregnant women and newborn babies. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was active in that hospital, and that humanitarian organization just announced that that “we will withdraw and cease activities at the hospital.”
The U.S deal with terrorist group Taliban as the military arm of Pashtunism was facilitated by Pashtun-American politician Zalmay Khalilzad, who has a long history in supporting this terrorist group based on their common ethnic interests.
KABUL – Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has announced our decision to end activities and withdraw from Dasht-e-Barchi in Kabul, Afghanistan, following the brutal attack on our maternity wing on 12 May, in which 16 mothers were systematically shot dead. An MSF midwife, two children aged 7 and 8, and six other people present at the time of the attack were also killed.
The decision comes with the understanding that while no information has emerged about the perpetrators or motive of the assault, mothers, babies and health staff were the deliberate targets of the attack, and that similar attacks may occur in the future.
A month after the horrifying event, we know very little; the attack remains unclaimed. Afghan authorities blamed the Taliban – or Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan – who refuted and condemned the accusation, while representatives of foreign governments publicly pointed their finger at radical groups as perpetrators, namely Islamic State Khorasan province.
The end of MSF’s activities in the maternity wing of Dasht-e-Barchi hospital is a necessary but painful decision, fraught with consequences for more than one million people who live in the area. Most of them are from the Hazara community, a historically marginalised and poor population, many of whom were displaced by decades of conflict.
With almost 16,000 deliveries in 2019, the Dasht-e-Barchi maternity wing was one of MSF’s biggest such projects worldwide. By pushing us to close our activity in the hospital, the assailants have also left women and babies without access to essential medical care, in a country where maternal and neo-natal mortality remain high.