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Fawzia Koofi Honored

Woman member of Afghan Parliament selected by World Economic Forum as a "Young Global Leader"
Robert Maier
Wednesday 25 February 2009

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The Support Committee For Fawzia Koofi is proud to announce that Ms. Fawzia Koofi has been selected as the "Young Global Leader" of 2009. A letter sent by the Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum this morning to Ms. Koofi, informed of her being bestowed with this honor.

Ms. Fawzia Koofi is an outstanding human rights activist and the First Woman Deputy Speaker of the Lower House of the National Assembly of Afghanistan. Before becoming a Member of Parliament, Ms. Koofi worked with UNICEF as a Women and Childrenʼs Protection Officer. She also worked with several Civil Society institutions as a womens’ and childrens’ advocate. Ms. Koofi has lectured at Badakhshan medical university.

The letter says Koofiʼs nomination is in recognition of her record of professional accomplishments, her commitment to society and her potential to contribute to shaping the future the world’s future through her inspiring leadership.

Fawzia Koofi, 32 is an influential and popular leader among Afghan people, especially the younger generation. She is best known as a selfless leader, a modern thinker, a poet, an articulate teacher and a linguist.

The World Economic Forum recognizes each year the two hundred most distinguished young leaders below the age of 40 from around the world. Ms. Koofiʼs selection was announced after Queen Rania Al Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan screened profiles of young leaders from every region of the world and from a myriad of disciplines and sectors. David Aikman, the Senior Director Head of the Forum of Young Global Leaders, singed Ms. Fawzia Koofiʼs letter of confirmation.

Support Committee For Fawzia Koofi is congratulating all Ms. Koofiʼs followers, family and friends. Itʼs a victory for all of us and we are hopeful to bring brave people closer to take a part in building our war-torn country.


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