News update on Iranian crisis from Kabulpress sources in Iran
Source in election bureau says actual approximate vote is 21.3 million for Mousavi and 10.5 million for Ahmadinejad; official government total is 24 million Ahmadinejad and 13 million for Mousavi
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This is the buzz coming from various Kabulpress.org sources in Tehran and other Iranian cities.
- Several people were killed last night (Saturday night) perhaps up to 5 during demonstrations.
- Large demonstrations are called for tonight (Sunday night) in the cities of Tehran, Meshand, Shiraz, and Ishfahan.
- A source within the election bureau says the actual approximate vote count is 21.3 million for Mousavi and 10.5 million for Ahmadinejad; very different from official government total of 24 million for Ahmadinejad and 13 million for Mousavi.
- In a letter to his supporters, Mousavi calls for peaceful demonstrations only; not burning or destroying businesses, vehicles, or property.
- 150 Professors resigned in protest from Iran’s top university
- Mousavi asks protesters across Iran to go to the rooftops of their buildings at 11:30 pm tonight, and shout Allah akbar; this was the same tactic used 30 years ago during the Iranian revolution when the Shah was ousted from power.
- Mousaui and running mate Karroubi have applied for permission for a large peaceful demonstration in Tehran on Monday. Rumors are that permission has been granted.