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KabulPressTV channel launched on YouTube

Editorial Staff
Saturday 21 November 2009

Reading time: Less than a minute (Number of words: 140)

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KabulPressTV’s YouTube Channel

Kabulpress has begun building a YouTube Channel featuring original videos about Afghanistan’s current events, politics, and culture. These videos will provide a different perspective from main stream media’s "Afghanistan experts" by giving a voice to Kabulpress.org’s contributors and other native Afghan journalists.

Video producers/journalists working in Afghanistan, or on topics concerning Afghanistan are encouraged to submit their work for placement on KabulPressTV and promotion on KabulPress.org, which receives more than 400,000 page views per month.

A $25 use fee, for an exclusive 30-day window, will be paid for any video accepted. Contact rmaier@kabulpress.org for details.

Subscribe to KabulPressTV for alerts when new videos are available. Feel free to comment on the channel and individual pieces.

KabulPressTV’s YouTube Channel

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So-Called Afghanistan Comprises Diverse Stateless Nations, Including the Hazara, Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Pashtun/Afghan, and Nuristani With No Majority or National Identity.

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